The BIGGEST BD Party in history!

It is time to CELEBRATE!

It has been a long campaign year and for Hillary supporters and Hillary, of course, a very disappointing and hurtful outcome. So, we decided to take Hillary’s lead and get back up, dust ourselves off, and with a smile on our face go forward!

No matter what YOU may have decided to do with your vote and activism since the primary has ended, we can all be one in showing Hillary how much we appreciate what she has done for us. The best way to celebrate Hillary is to make her proud!

In Hillary’s name we are giving the BIGGEST service day in history and all across this nation. Then we will all come together in our own communities and have birthday cake and ice cream to celebrate Hillary! (Visit for details)

Please leave your birthday message for Hillary! (We are sharing all of messages with her.)

45 Responses

  1. Thank you for everything Hillary. I admire you so much. Happy Birthday!

    Laura Smyser
    Fort Wayne, Indiana

  2. I’ll be there for sure!! And my present to you is that I will vote for McCain. A vote for Obama is a vote of approval of what the Democratic Party did to you.

    If you aren’t the nominee in 2008, we’ll elect McCain to one term, and wait for you in 2012!!!

  3. ’ll be there for sure!! And my present to you is that I will vote for McCain. A vote for Obama is a vote of approval of what the Democratic Party did to you.

    If you aren’t the nominee in 2008, we’ll elect McCain to one term, and wait for you in 2012!!!

  4. Have a great birthday, Senator! We love you!

  5. Happy Birthday, Senator Clinton! I love you for sticking up for us like you do. If I ever get the chance to vote for you again, you WILL get my vote, always. Anytime, anyplace, anywhere. Keep up the great work. There are a lot of us out here who appreciate it.

  6. ((Hillary))

    Happy birthday and many more to come. You’ve been an inspiration to me and so many others. Thank you for everything you’ve done; for women, for men, for us all. And thank you for all the things you wanted to do for us as the most magnificent POTUS evah!

  7. Happy Birthday, Hillary!

    My gift is a “VOTE” for you & no other.

    We’re not getting over it.

  8. Happy Birthday, Hillary!

    No more “getting over it” ever! Nobama! You for president in 2008 or 2012!

  9. I will be celebrating my own birthday on October 25th. Hillary buttons for everyone! I’m turning 50 and us Red Hats gotta stick together.

    Hillary 2012!



  11. Hillary I am patiently waiting for your return in 2012!! I will vote for McCain this time around so we can set the stage for you in 2012. Have a great Birthday and remember that we, all 18 million of us, HAVE YOUR BACK!!
    We love you Senator!
    Sonya in GA

  12. June 21, 2008
    ! Feliz Compleanos, a “Heel-a-ree!”, as we say in San Antonio, Texas!

    Thank you for all you have done for all of us, especially our children, through the many, many years of your public service. Thank you for Solutions For America, for addressing intelligently the many issues that affect our quality of life every day and in the future. Thank you for your grace and dignity and, too, for your wonderful humor, which was surprising and delightful in taking the edge off a very difficult campaign.

    You may be the Senator from New York, but, to us, you are our advocate, our representative. You will always have our respect and our support and a huge family in San Antonio who love you! Come and see us anytime.

  13. Happy Birthday Hillary!

    Thanks for everything!!!

    We will never forget.

  14. Chelsea and all of America need to see you at your Roll Call at the Convention.

    Thank you for opening up the Presidency to all women.

  15. Dear Hillary, happy birthday. We are close to the same age, and although I have accomplished a lot in my lifetime, my accomplishments do not hold a candle to yours. Thank you for being a strong woman, a strong mother, a strong wife, a strong daughter, a strong candidate, and a strong advocate for women and families. We, as a nation, sorely needed you as our President. Your loss is our loss. We still greive.

    When you shed a tear on the campaign trail, so did I. When you looked into the camera and said, “You are not invisible to me” you were looking straight through my eyes and into my soul. And I was sure that you were speaking directly me – just to me, no one else. I am grateful that I was not invisible to you as I was to other candidates. And I will not be invisible any more, not ever. I will be very visible in any political endeavor that you work toward in the future. You will feel my support. Hillary, I have your back. Forever.

    Through your Presidential campaign you made every single woman throughout this great nation proud, proud to be a woman and so very proud of you. You are our hero; and, we think Chelsea is pretty special, too. Bubba has earned our undying respect as well. It is deep love, admiration, and respect that I have for the Clintons. Forever.

    Isn’t it funny how we call each of you by your first or endearing nickname? We feel that close to you. You, Bill, and Chel seem like one of us. And each and every time someone did something to one of you, it was done to each of us as well. You and Bill did a most excellent job raising an accomplished and wonderful daughter. We will have Bill and Chelsea’s back as well. Forever.

    I will work to support agendas that extend and ensure your legacy. The first measure of that will be the huge Celebrate Hillary event planned this year that will honor the most powerful woman in the world – Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    I want to help you make even more history in the future. We have much to accomplish before we can rest. We must teach and inform our daughters of the struggles, trials, and triumphs of those brave women who cleared the path for them; that struggle was called the bloodless war. They do not yet know of that history; but, they will. The revolution for America’s women and America’s daughters begins tonight.

    I am one of your 18 million. Hillary speaks for me.
    Carolyn Greer

  16. Thank You Hillary because you speak for us we love you
    and we will always remember you and only you have our support.

    We Love you

  17. I’ve never told a President happy birthday before, but am very happy to do so. While you may not officially be the President, you exemplify every quality that a President should have. Therefore, in my eyes, you have earned the title.

    Happy Birthday, Hillary, and I patiently await the day when I can officially say “Happy Birthday Madame President.”

    Till then, I will continue to offer you my unwavering support.

  18. Senator Clinton, Hope your day with your family is everything wonderful! You have been an inspiration to me and I hope to return the favor in your name by doing something for my community. I will be awaiting your triumphant return to the presidential campaign trail at the right time. The days will fly by if we all stay as busy working for our country as you do! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

  19. You go, girl! May you have many, many more years of following your heart, your vision, your dreams, and your conscience.

  20. Dear Senator Clinton:

    Here’s wishing you all the very best on your wonderful birthday! No matter what the cheaters do or say, you are our real leader, Madam President! You have been the most inspiring leader I have met or known about in my lifetime, and my friends, family and I all thank you for all you’ve accomplished in your work as First Lady, Senator, and in future, President! You are the finest presidential candidate I’ve known of, too.

    You WILL be sworn into office January 20, 2009, and you will be the greatest gift to the American people (and the world) then! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

  21. Happy Birthday! You are an inspiration to me and my daughters. We attended your rallies and absolutely feel you are the best person for the job! You will be President. You never gave up on us, and we will never give up on you. I am one of the 18 million who believe in you.

  22. Dear “Hell-a-ree” …

    Thank You for your life’s journey. Years ago, when Bill was running for the Presidency in 1992, you came to FAU in Boca Raton and I was there in the audience,rooting for him.
    That audience went wild with applause for you.

    I was there for Bill in 1996 too without missing a beat.

    And I was here for you this January when I went out and voted for you because I believe in You, in your work for Americans of all stripes and colors; in your preparedness to be POTUS on day one, and never once did I believe that Howard Dean, Donna Brazille, Baracka Obama the Kennedys and the Kerrys and a few others would perpetrate this coup d’etat against you. To do so they took half of my vote in the Florida primaries, (and half of my husband’s vote and of every Floridian who voted for you) to place BO against our will on the ticket for the November ballot and sit him in the Oval Office come January 20.

    Well, sorry to say Hillary,they won’t do so using my name.
    I will not vote for BO. PUMA to them.

    A thousand, “Heel-a-ree has my vote” to you and a sack of coal to BO, Howard Dean, Donna Brazille, the very Robert Wexler and all who conspired to steal from YOU and from US!

    and in the midst of this pain, Felicidades Hillary, i mean, Hell-a-ree!

  23. We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful role model that you provide. You are an inspiration. Thank you for all of the hard work you have done so far in your exceptional career and I look forward to seeing many more years of your great work.
    Happy Birthday to you.

  24. Dear Hillary,
    Thank-you for putting yourself out there for us. You’ve been an inspiration to us all. In my book, you won, obviously. You went to bat for FL/MI and words can’t express my gratefulness. You WILL BE PRESIDENT and I firmly believe that is your path in life.

    This is only the beginning, Hill, and WE GOT YOUR BACK ALL THE WAY TO THE WHITE HOUSE!!! Just feel our energy right through to your fingertips. Lean on us; WE ARE STRONG!


  25. Dear Senator Hillary Clinton,

    I am proud to say an early: “Happy Birthday” to you! The momentum around the Celebrate Hillary project is powerful for all women and our allies! Thank-you for your example to us all on the campaign trail: unwavering, professional, tested and undaunted. Now we reflect back the quality of your legacy, by saying: WATCH OUT! ‘CAUSE WE DO HAVE YOUR BACK!!

  26. Happy Birthday Hillary! You are an amazing inspiration to so many people! Thank you for existing! 😉

    Hillary 2008!!!!!

  27. Happy Birthday. I so hope you can turn it around at the convention. There is no way I can vote for BO. I don’t think his loyalty is with the U.S. Michelle has practically said as much. I agree with G. Farraro’s statement about BO. I was privledged to see you at the T. H. airport and again at the South High School here and volunteered at your campaign ofc. as many others did. It was a pleasure and an honor. I also volunteered at the Pres. Clinton Vincennes event, I will never forget how thrilled I was at the chance to see you in person. Again Happy Birthday, good luck and hang in there. Hillary 2008!

  28. Happy Birthday, Hillary! Thank you so much for seeing the primaries through to the end (and winning so many of them!), with such strength, grace and courage — in the process giving added courage to me and millions of women and men across the nation.

    Thanks to you, we have the gumption to fight for our country, our future, and the soul and values of the Democratic party. Until August we will work to get you the 2008 nomination; and if the superdelegates don’t come around by then, we’ll work to get John McCain elected so you will be our nominee in 2012.

    Thank you also for honoring your oath to defend our Constitution. Your vote and statement against the FISA compromise of our civil liberties were truly inspiring.

  29. Happy Birthday Senator!

    You’ve got 18 million reasons to speak up in Denver, and 40% of us will never vote for B. Obama.

    Stay strong and never give in,


  30. Happy birthday to one in a million from one of 18 million.

  31. Happy Birthday!

    Your candidacy was an inspiration and I hope that you aren’t angry with those of us who don’t feel that it is over yet!


    I wish you all the love and happiness that life has to offer in the coming year.

  33. June 21, 2008
    ! Feliz Compleanos, a “Heel-a-ree!”, as we say in San Antonio, Texas!

    Thank you for all you have done for all of us, especially our children, through the many, many years of your public service. Thank you for Solutions For America, for addressing intelligently the many issues that affect our quality of life every day and in the future. Thank you for your grace and dignity and, too, for your wonderful humor, which was surprising and delightful in taking the edge off a very difficult campaign.

    You may be the Senator from New York, but, to us, you are our advocate, our representative. You will always have our respect and our support and a huge family in San Antonio who love you! Come and see us anytime.
    TJ – June 22, 2008 at 4:25 am

  34. You’ve run a remarkable race and I’ve been behind you since Day One. Don’t give up, never surrender, and never listen to anyon who says that you can’t try again. The last 60 years have been revolutionary, at least partly in thanks to you. The next four, then eight, will be even better.

    Happy birthday, Hillary.

    Thank you.
    regencyg – July 9, 2008 at 1:12 am

  35. Dear Hillary – Dear Dear Hillary:

    On this day I hope you know that as one of 18 million supporters of yours… I wish you the best of birthdays and with your courage and the millions who are continuing to support you in whatever you do I know that you will mark this day with joy in your heart and hope in your soul!~~

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY HILLARY X (times) 18 Million!!!
    bmw60 – July 9, 2008 at 1:13 am

  36. Happy Birthday Hillary!!

    We will always have your back!! And your laugh is wonderful! Don’t hold it in!
    Jennifer – July 9, 2008 at 10:25 pm

  37. Hillary,

    You Rock!!! You are the best thing that has happened to politics in a long time. Keep pressing forward we will back you 100%. Happy Birthday Hillary!!! Now lets get you that election.
    Ashley N. – July 10, 2008 at 2:00 pm

  38. Happy Birthday Girl! Have Bill rub your feet and read you all our posts. In another time you would have won. To bad we live in this reality.

    Hay, in my house you did win. You won us all over. Even my husband was screaming at the TV for ya. He dose not get in to politics but I had it on and he got caught up.

    You did win. Congratulations its a big win.
    shampoovta – July 10, 2008 at 3:56 pm

  39. Happy Birthday to a wonderful person that is a true leader for women. You will always be an inspiration to us.
    TC – July 11, 2008 at 1:39 am

  40. I can only imagine what your birthday wish is…and there are 18 million of us that would love to make that happen.

    Battle for the Hill – July 10, 2008 at 1:34 pm

  41. Thank you Hillary! Happy Birthday and best wishes. I’m one of those 18 million cracks and I was so proud to work for you in your campaign. I’m ready to start all over again and this time .. we’ll shatter that ceiling!

    Hillary NOW.
    dot48 – June 24, 2008 at 7:23 pm

  42. You have given me HOPE that I did not have before.

    Thanks for all you have done for the USA.


    Jan and Bob

  43. Hillary,
    Happy Birthday and Thank You to a “Beautiful” woman who inspired 18 million American’s. I wish only the best for you on your special day. In addition, I hope and pray that your name is placed in nomination at Denver and you win the 2008 Presidential nomination. You are #1….and the most qualified for the job! You would be our next President! By the way, McCain is #2. Now take this to Denver! There are 18 million of us who support you! We love you Hillary and I’m ready to walk the streets and make calls for you. Have a Wonderful Birthday!

    JoAnna 4 Hillary!

  44. I knew in my heart that it was not too late to make more history alongside the most powerful and influential woman in America and the world. No, please, it is not jealous Pelosi. It takes a real woman like Senator Clinton to persevere against insurmountable odds and even against our silly Democrat guys who caved in with such minimal pressure. It is no wonder that only President Bill is the only two time Democratic President in over forty years. Those boys need inspiration or something… I will be my honor to spread the word to my friends and invite them to this very special Birthday Bash in your honor! Stay well and say Hello to Chelsea, President Bill (the first Black President), and to your mother.

    Rosa E.
    McAllen, Tx.

  45. Happy Birthday, & many, many more.

    I just want to thank you for all your hard work, & for suffering the slings & arrows of a hide-bound stupidity that will prefer a mediocre man to a fantastic woman. I am writing your name in in November, because you are the best choice.


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